How Hammitt’s Try Before You Buy program delivered a 6.02% conversion rate and a 29.51x ROI


TryNow conversion rate


higher net LTV for TryNow customers vs Buy Now


ROI after accounting for incremental return costs

High-end handbags and accessories offering timeless designs with classic shapes and high-quality materials.


Premium Fashion


Los Angeles, CA





Hammitt is a leader in high-end handbags and accessories, known for timeless designs that blend classic shapes with high-quality materials. The brand focuses on crafting exceptional products that are made to last, appealing to customers who value both style and functionality.


Hammitt was looking to convert more shoppers and get more product into more homes.

Address price sensitivity

Hammitt's commitment to quality, at a premium price point, presented some obstacles for their online business. The inability to experience the product's quality first hand made some shoppers hesitant to purchase sight unseen.

Build customer loyalty

While Hammitt had established a customer base, they aimed to strengthen relationships with existing customers and foster long-term loyalty, ensuring that once someone became a Hammitt shopper, they would remain one.

Get more products into more homes

The brand needed to find ways to get more products into more homes, especially higher-priced items, to shoppers who had never experienced Hammitt before.

“We didn’t bring on TryNow to solve a return problem; our return rate was already low. Instead, we aimed to solve a top-end revenue problem. With TryNow, customers buy more items and return a portion, increasing overall revenue.” - Tony Drockton, Founder & CEO, Hammitt


Convert browsers into buyers, increase profit margin, and build shopper loyalty with TryNow.

To increase online conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and profit margins, Hammitt implemented TryNow. Their Try Before You Buy program enabled customers to experience the incredible quality and craftsmanship of items at home, only paying for what they keep.

Hammitt made it seamless to discover and opt into Try Before You Buy by creating numerous TryNow entry points throughout their site: Main Navigation Mega Menu Block, Homepage Block, Collection Page, and a two-button experience on the product page. This encouraged customers to try more items and allowed them to discover and opt into the program organically.

"Working with the TryNow team has been amazing. They are genuinely fun, super communicative, and responsive, which is crucial when dealing with a tool that requires immediate customer responses. They have been a fantastic partner, always supporting us when needed." - Kristina Barclay, VP of Ecommerce, Hammitt

Hammitt set up their Try Before You Buy Program to encourage higher-value orders:

  • Shoppers check out with Try Before You Buy.
  • Shoppers can try up to 3 items for 10 days at home.
  • Shoppers can easily keep what they love, return what they don’t, and only pay for what they keep.
“It gets people in the door and allows them to try the product at home, helping them decide whether they love it. This is especially important for us because transacting online for our beautiful soft leathers can be challenging. Additionally, it’s easy for customers to make an exchange if the item isn’t the right fit, with no upfront risk, making it the perfect partnership for Hammitt.” - Tony Drockton, Founder & CEO, Hammitt


TryNow enabled Hammitt to achieve a high conversion rate, boost net LTV, and realize a remarkable ROI after return costs.

Since launching TryNow, Hammitt has seen incredible results across key performance metrics, generating a 6.02% conversion rate, boosting Net LTV by 41.99%, and realizing a 29.51x ROI after return costs.

41.99% Higher Net Lifetime Value for TryNow customers compared to Buy Now customers

Hammitt's Try Before You Buy program facilitated deeper customer loyalty and trust in the brand. Customers who used TryNow with Hammitt generated a 41.99% higher net lifetime value compared to traditional Buy Now customers.

Shoppers are ordering and keeping more items and are coming back more frequently. The repeat purchase rate among TryNow users was 26.4% higher, as customers experienced more of Hammitt's exceptional products, fostering trust, loyalty, and an appreciation for the brand's craftsmanship.

"Customers love Hammitt and the TryNow feature. They enjoy getting multiple bags to decide which one to keep and then only paying for what they love. TryNow is a part of Hammitt, and it enhances their overall experience." - Tony Drockton, Founder & CEO, Hammitt

6.02% TryNow Page Conversion Rate

Try Before You Buy also alleviated hesitation, evidenced by Hammitt's 6.02% TryNow conversion rate. Offering a trial period allowed customers to experience the product before committing, removing the upfront cost barrier and boosting conversions. This was a significant improvement over the site average conversion rate.

"We've seen a significant conversion rate on the TryNow page. The conversion rate for TryNow is 6%, which is higher than our site average. This program builds trust with customers, as they only pay for what they keep, making it a great opportunity for them." - Kristina Barclay, VP of Ecommerce, Hammitt

Enhancing the shopper experience has directly contributed to a meaningful increase in conversion rates. Hammitt has seen overwhelmingly positive feedback from customers, highlighting TryNow as a standout customer experience driver:

"I really liked TryNow. I have purchased 4 bags from Hammitt prior and my wife loved them all. I REALLY liked the green bag but wanted to give her a choice. And it worked! Only problem was she wanted to keep them all!" - Douglas F.
"I am very particular about my handbags so this is great I get to try them. Especially since there is no store here that carries them." - Roberta H.
"Great experience! Honestly, I probably bought more with TryNow because I got to see the products in person before committing my hard earned dollars. I would definitely do it again!" - Elizabeth B.

29.51x Return on Investment after accounting for incremental return costs.

Hammitt's TryNow program delivered an impressive 29.51x return on investment after accounting for all incremental costs. The program generated $168.97 higher average net sales per TryNow customer compared to Buy Now customers. This significant increase in revenue not only covered the additional costs associated with the program but also yielded $166 more profit per customer after accounting for all return-related expenses. This robust ROI demonstrates the program's effectiveness in driving both top-line growth and bottom-line profitability for Hammitt.

By improving customer acquisition and retention while simultaneously increasing average order values and margins, TryNow provided Hammitt a powerful engine to supercharge their online business.

"I wonder why all brands aren't using TryNow. We were confident in our product and experience, knowing it was a win for customers to try before they buy. Some companies may lack confidence in their products or have higher return rates, preventing them from embracing TryNow." - Tony Drockton, Founder & CEO, Hammitt

Try Before You Buy, Fully Equipped

A platform supercharged with powerful features to delight your customers and drive more revenue.